Ryan P. Creedon | Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
A warm welcome to all! I’m a researcher in applied mathematics who investigates instabilities in geophysical fluids and has a passion for teaching.
Professional Appointments
- Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow (MSPRF), National Science Foundation, 2024-2027.
- Prager Assistant Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University, 2024-2027.
- Acting Instructor, Department of Applied Mathematics at University of Washington, 2022-2024.
- Ph.D., Department of Applied Mathematics at University of Washington, 2022.
- M.S., Department of Applied Mathematics at University of Washington, 2017.
- M.S., Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State University, 2016.
- B.S., Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State University, 2016.
- B.S., Department of Mathematics at Penn State University, 2016.
If there’s one thing we know for sure about waves, it is that they are ubiquitous. At all scales of motion in the universe, you can find waves, and in any area of natural science, you can find someone who studies some type of wave. Though much of my research concerns water waves specifically, many of the questions I ask and techniques I use can be extrapolated to any kind of wave in a geophysical fluid of interest. These questions include: what are the equations that govern the behavior of the wave, what properties do these equations have, how do we find solutions of these equations, and in what sense are these solutions stable or unstable?
Current Projects
Asymptotic and Heuristic Models of Water Waves
- The KdV Family of Equations
- Boussinesq-Whitham Systems
- Elliptic and Soliton Solutions
- Integrability of Equations
- Nonlinear Stability of Solutions
Instabilities of Non-Linear Water Waves
- Stokes Wave Expansions
- Resonant Wave Interactions
- Spectral Stability of Stokes Waves
- Longitudinal and Transverse Instabilities
- Inclusion of Surface Tension and Other Effects
Computing Spectra of Linear Operators
- Properties of Discrete and Continuous Spectra
- Asymptotic Behavior of Spectral Elements
- Numerical Computation of Spectral Elements
- Behavior of Eigenfunctions
- Squared Eigenfunction Connection
7. Creedon, R. P., Nguyen, H. Q., & Strauss, W. A. (2024). Proof of the transverse instability of Stokes waves at finite depth. In preparation.
6. Creedon, R. P., Nguyen, H. Q., & Strauss, W. A. (2024). Stokes waves are unstable, even very small ones. Submitted to EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences.
5. Creedon, R. P., Nguyen, H. Q., & Strauss, W. A. (2023). Proof of the transverse instability of Stokes waves. Submitted to Journal of Partial Differential Equations.
4. Creedon, R. P., & Deconinck, B. (2023). A high-order asymptotic analysis of the Benjamin–Feir instability spectrum in arbitrary depth. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 956, A29.
3. Creedon, R. P., Deconinck, B., & Trichtchenko, O. (2022). High-frequency instabilities of Stokes waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 937, A24.
2. Creedon, R. P., Deconinck, B., & Trichtchenko, O. (2021). High-frequency instabilities of a Boussinesq– Whitham system: a perturbative approach. Fluids, 6(4), 136. [Cover Story]
1. Creedon, R. P., Deconinck, B., & Trichtchenko, O. (2021). High-frequency instabilities of the Kawahara equation: a perturbative approach. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20(3), 1571-1595.
Many of my teachers and professors had lasting impacts on my personal and professional development, and I can only hope to return the favor one day.
Below you will find information about the courses I’ve taught as well as an assortment of teaching materials that I hope to grow in the years to come.
Amath 301: Beginning Scientific Computing
Spring 2024
Amath 353: Partial Differential Equations and Waves
Spring 2024
Amath 352: Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Winter 2024
Cfrm 405: Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance
Fall 2023
Amath 301: Beginning Scientific Computing
Spring 2023
Amath 352: Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Winter 2023
Amath 383: Introduction to Continuous Mathematical Modeling
Fall 2022
Amath 352: Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Winter 2022
Amath 353: Partial Differential Equations and Waves
Summer 2021
Amath 353: Partial Differential Equations and Waves
Spring 2021
Amath 352: Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Winter 2020
Amath 353: Partial Differential Equations and Waves
Summer 2019